
Baby sleeping technique that work for the baby

In my previous article, are you trying to make your baby schedule to sleep through the night? I spoke about how routine is important and can be achieved. In this article, I want to focus on how along with sleep routine, how baby sleeping technique that worked with my baby can be used. We started this technique way early since she was 4 months old and it works to date.

Breakfast ideas for toddlers: Ragi/Millet pancakes/dosa

Morning times are the most hectic times. Packing off lunch for everyone and hustling at the breakfast table is all part of the morning. Cooking breakfast for adults is a piece of cake, but when it comes to breakfast ideas for toddlers, I pretty much freeze. I am constantly harassing my friends with toddlers to share some ideas. One such close friend gave me an excellent recipe for breakfast that is very high in protein and digests real quick for babies and toddlers.

Cord blood banking: To invest or not

Cord blood banking is the new “it” thing recommended to all pregnant mothers by their consulting gynecologist. Now, there are two different opinions when it comes to investing in cord blood banking, ones who are pro and others who are anti. I personally went ahead and invested in one of the leading cord blood bank. During my visits to the doctor and specifically in the last few months of my pregnancy, my doctor shared the information about why it was required.